In 7 short months $1,667,000 has been raised for Diagnostic Imaging!

Picture This...keeping health care close to home for all residents of the Rainy River District

A district wide campaign to upgrade the X-Ray rooms, purchase an elevating fluoroscopy table, and replace the CT scanner and digital mammography machine for Riverside Health Care Facilities to benefit all Rainy River District residents.


Replacement CT Scanner

COST: $800,000

The current CT scanner was purchased in 2008 and upgraded in 2014 to extend its life, but it has now reached its end of useful life.

The proposed replacement will have faster image acquisition as the detector is twice the size as the current one. An increase in the slice size from 64mm to 128mm means that the patient goes through the scan faster and thus receives less radiation dosage.

The new machine will have a higher weight accommodation which will allow us to better serve members of the bariatric population.

Faster image acquisition will mean that the contrast going through the brain can be timed for Telestroke for the purpose of Endovascular Therapy (EVT). Telestroke is the rapid virtual examination of a suspected stroke patient and communication with an off site neurologist to determine the course of treatment. The current CT scanner does not allow precise image acquisition that can be used specifically to determine eligibility for EVT, which is the retrieval of a blood clot. This means that stroke patients that present at LVGH are not eligible for this treatment option. EVT is available for up to 24 hours post stroke symptoms. The new CT scanner will allow for image acquisition that can be used to determine EVT eligibility, this greatly increasing the window of time that a local stroke patient can receive treatment.

Replacement Digital Mammography

COST: $325,000

The current Digital Mammography was purchased in 2012 and has reached its end of useful life. The manufacturer no longer supports the equipment which means that software updates are not provided and replacement parts cannot be guaranteed.

An up to date mammography machine is imperative for the Health Breast Program. Regular screenings can find breast cancers when they are small, less likely to spread and more likely to be treated. Regular screenings with state of the art technology save lives.


Upgrade of X-Ray Rooms



The current X-Ray machines were purchased in 2005 and are in impeccable condition. They are currently running on an analogue system.

The proposed upgrades will transition the machines to fully digital units. Digital units will reduce radiation dosage up to 80% and on average by 50%, thus reducing the risk to patients and staff of developing cancers caused by radiation. Digital technology will provide clearer images which will assist in diagnoses and treatment. They also allow for imaging perfection which shows details more clearly, and allows manipulation of the image to get the best image possible for the physicians.

The current fluoroscopy table is a static table that is not accessible to all.

The proposed replacement will be an elevating table to moves up and down to allow for easy access for children and individuals with limited mobility.



What is diagnostic imaging?

Diagnostic Imaging describes various techniques Physicians use to view the organ systems of the body to help identify the cause of illness of injury and confirm a diagnoses. Most studies are non-invasive.


Why is diagnostic imaging important?

Diagnostic Imaging plays a crucial role in confirming, correctly assessing and documenting courses of many diseases as well as in assessing response to treatment. It also plays a function in preventative care through the use of regular screenings which can help the Physician diagnose disease at an early stage.